Chairman - Prof. Dr.Jur. George Mentz, JD, MBA, MPM ®, CIPM
™ - Atty at Law - - General Counsel USA
George Mentz, JD, MBA, MPM - Founder and CEO of the AAPM ®
Certifying Board
Counselor Mentz is the first person in the United States to
achieve Status of Doctor of Jurisprudence/JD Degree, AACSB recognized MBA Degree, Certifications in Finance
and Management, and also has taught eCommerce, Internet Technologies, eMedia Law, and Project Management at
the college level. Author of over 200 Books and Articles and Teacher of over 250 graduate and college
accredited courses globally.
Featured and quoted in the Reuters, The Hindu National, The Financial
Times Asia, The Arab Times, El Norte Latin America, Forbes News, Wall Street Journal ™, The Business Wire,
EuroInvestor News UK, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar News, Digital50 News, Direkt Broker Germany News, Ad Hoc
News, Centre Daily News, Earth Times, Yahoo News, University of California News, NEWS,
Express Computers Business News in India, and more. Mentz is winner of several speaker/teaching awards for
excellence and a meritorious service award for charity.
Prof. Dr. George Mentz, JD, MBA, MPM ®, Attorney at Law - USA
- American Academy Founder and Founder of the PM International Project Management
Mentz is a 2 Time Winner of an
Excellence in Teaching National Award.
- Prof. Mentz CEO, Chairman for AAPM ®
Worldwide - Board of Standards and Accreditation Council Mentz has been a Leader in Wealth Management
Education and Standards in the USA for over 10 years and is the creator and founder of the CWM Certified
Chartered Wealth Manager ™ Certification Program Worldwide.
- Mentz was first person in the United
States to achieve "Quad Designation" Status achieving Juris Doctor, Dip. Int. Law, MBA, lic. financial
planner, and Certified Financial Consultant credentials.
- Featured and quoted in the Wall Street
Journal ™, The Hindu National, The Financial Times Asia, The Arab Times, El Norte Latin America, Forbes
News, The Business Wire, Reuters Global News, EuroInvestor News UK, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar News,
Digital50 News, Direkt Broker Germany News, Ad Hoc News, Centre Daily News, Earth Times, Yahoo News,
University of California News, NEWS, Express Computers Business News in India, and
- Licensed Attorney and Counselor of Law US Federal Courts EDLA
and State License - LA USA and Colorado Federal Courts
- Editor and Chief for the Original Tax
and Estate Planning Law Review
- Professor for Wealth Management and
Private Banking San Diego TJSL Law School LLM Program
- Advisory Board of the Global Finance
Forum - Switzerland 2006-7
- Past Board of Advisors of the World
E-Commerce Forum
- Committee/Advisor member ICE Institute of Credential
Excellence Education Committee.
- Author of Several books on Wealth
Management, Human Potential & Project Management
- Faculty Appointments and Graduate
Executive Training Appointments for law schools, business schools, and Training Centers in: Miami, Denver,
Hong Kong, Nassau, Bahamas, Silicon Valley, CA, Virginia, New Orleans, Dubai, San Diego, Chicago, and
- Mentz has provided Consulting to the
United States Government on Economic Trends and Employment Career Research for several
- Mentz is founder of the Global Academy
of Finance & Management ® Certifying Board and the owner and founder of the CEC ™,
AAPM™ and IBS ™
- Mentz served on the Board of Governors of the
American University of Sovereign Nations which is a Native Education Initiative in the
*Professor Mentz and Dr. Collins addressing National
Media at the Project Management Summit in the West Indies
Mentz in has been seen - quoted in Industry News
such as: Forbes News, The Business Wire, Reuters, National Law Journal, Global News,
EuroInvestor News UK, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar News, CNBC, Digital50 News, Direkt Broker
Germany News, Ad Hoc News, Centre Daily News, Earth Times, Yahoo News, University of
California News, , Express Computers Business News in India, College
Education Weekly, and more.
Contact Professor Mentz
- USA Director and Chairman of the Global Project Management
Advisory Board and Advisory Board to AAPM American Academy of Project Management - Global
- Consulted with Wall Street and Banking Firms, Trained
Financial Advisors, and Instructed Clients from 30 jurisdictions on Financial Planning, Investing,
Taxation, Insurance and Estate Planning.
- Consulted with Several Fortune 100 Companies and International
Banking Institutions
- Diversified wealth management practitioner experience
involving training, marketing, management, development, finance, financial planning, teaching,
education, and e-commerce.
- Mr. Mentz oversees several companies operating
- Teaching accredited college level estate planning,
investments, economics, finance, & tax courses and topics along with e-commerce strategy, law,
and marketing for several universities.
- Inventor of the Legal and Plastic Surgery Z-5 Internet
Marketing Program Worldwide™
- Researched and published worldwide in the area of taxation,
financial analysis, investments, estate planning, and financial consulting.
- Appointed Faculty member St. Thomas Law School Graduate LLM
Program in Miami.
- Appointed Faculty for the prestigious Silicon Valley SJSU
E-Business Programs.
- Full Time Faculty Appointment, Subject Matter Expert,
Consultant, and full time law faculty.
- Investment Advisor Representative Law Exams
- Certified Financial Consultant License
- Licensed and Registered Financial Planner Registration
- Licensed and Certified E-Commerce Consultant
- Corporate training and Course Development experience with
major corporations and University Instruction Online and OnSite
- On Faculty for Several Universities Teaching Online and
- Faculty member 1995-2009 teaching business law, taxation ,
corporations, legal environment, business entities, e-commerce management and law, investments,
ethics, financial planning, estate planning, wealth management.
- Published, written, and presented multiple articles and
research in venues such as print, magazine, journals, television, several college universities, and
- Keynote speaker at seminars, conventions, and
- Quoted and Author of Published articles in 20 Countries and 20
Major US cities on finance and ebusiness consulting.
- Experience as a Top Wealth Management Advisor for a Wall
Street Firm
- Founding Shareholder of companies, joint ventures, and
alliances in US, EU, Asia, Greece, Portugal, Africa, Belgium, Singapore, China, Russia, Canada,
Malaysia, and other countries.
- Member Phi Delta Phi International Legal Fraternity, Member
Delta Kappa Epsilon International , Skull and Bones Friars Member, Member Scottish Rite Masonic
Bodies, & Member of the York Rite and Royal Arch Masonic Bodies.
- International television and press interviews in countries
such as China, Mexico and USA
- Keynote speaker in Beijing and Hong Kong. Featured in major
newspapers throughout Asia.
- Presented to International Financial Executives at the Geneva
Wealth Mgt. Conference.
- Master Financial Professional Trainer
- Negotiated International Agreements with CFP ™ Board and AIMR
™ International
- Accepted as an Expert Witness NASD Arbitration Panel
- Founder of the AAPM AAPM and CEC Global Scholarship Program
for disadvantaged students worldwide.
- Mentz has also recently been quoted or published in the:
AACRAO Journal, The JITI Journal, Educause Journal,, Journal of Technology in
Counseling, The NACAC, and more
- Distinguished Faculty Award, Team Faculty
- Passed Securities Exams - Series 7, 63, 65 Securities Licenses
- Presently Non Updated
- Licensed and Nationally Registered Financial Planner
- Registered Investment Advisor Representative (passing
investment advisor Law exam)
- Licensed Counselor of Law in Louisiana and Federal Courts
- Certified Financial Consultant, CFC license - Achieved as per
completing graduate requirements.
- Completed all Cert. Financial Planner ™ educational
requirements as per express approval by the LA C/FP Program Director.
- Completed Federal Income Tax Certificate Award
- Phi Delta Phi International Legal Fraternity (Initiated
- Pi Sigma Epsilon - International Business and Marketing
Fraternity (Initiated Member)
- Delta Pi Epsilon - Business Professors and Educators Society
(Initiated Member)
- Founder of the AAFM ® American Academy of Financial Management
and Exclusive Founder and Exclusive Owner of the IAFM ™ International Academy of Financial Management
training group and creator & founder of the AAPM ® IPMC and Global Project Management
- George Mentz is also the founder and the Creator of the: CWM ®
Wealth Management Programs and the CIPM ® and MPM ® project management